Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Frisco 50

Marc, Darren & Ken all went to Willard for the Frisco 50 last weekend, although Darren strictly went to steal T-shirts.
The weather could not have been more perfect; we had mild temperatures in the upper 50s & low 60s most of the day with cloud cover the entire time, which kept temperatures bearable for a long run.
Our families dropped us at Willard school for the start, then met us, albeit a bit late, at the finish in Bolivar. My race was perhaps one of the best races of my life. I turned in a 4:46 time for 31.+ miles; not too bad for my first 50K that actually went the entire distance. Marc also reports that his race was equally stellar, & he finished with a huge smile as all of his children & one stray ran him across the line.
I had to go to work upon returning to town, so we left very quickly after the race was over. I barely can remember anything about working at the store the night after the race, so I must have been pretty taxed.
Lessons learned from this one: I am adopting the Boy Scout motto of “be prepared.” No where can this be more useful than in long distance racing. Several aid stations only offered water, but fortunately I had some nutrition in my pack. I have also developed blisters & other foot oddities of late. My new best friend, the book “Fix Your Feet” helped me to prepare for that. I had all the supplies I needed to keep my feet happy during the trek.
Highlights for me were a nice pre-race meal the evening before with the Fishers, good pre-race coffee, perfect weather, & family & friends to celebrate with afterwards.
Next up, 100K or 50M, whichever comes first.

1 comment:

Bryan Greaser said...

the guy in the middle is funny looking! ha ha ha