Thursday, August 13, 2009

The 'Stank' not so stanky....

Well the Stanky Creek 50k trail run is over, and as I write this my legs are back in normal shape again. For a couple of days there my legs were sore enough for someone to have mistaken me for Frankenstein as I walked, but I am feelin' oh sooo good once again.
It was a hot day but the trails that this course covered were almost completely shaded from the sun, so that helped. But countering that was that there is no breeze blowing through this wooded area on a trail run, and the humidity was pretty much typical Memphis humidity in August. There were about 75 runners for the race, some doing 50k, some doing 40 miles, and some doing 50 miles. One thing that I noticed was that everyone was fit, fit, fit. Aid stations were spaced out nicely. I was drinking and eating like a maniac despite my stomach not really wanting anything. My fingers were really swollen from retaining sodium and fluids, as well as my feet, so I got some weird blisters and hot spots on my feet from that. And the roots on the trail cause you to trip now and again, especially later in the race when you start to get the heavy feet and heavy legs.
I felt pretty strong on the first 17 miles, but after that my lack of any real serious training and preparation for this race began to sneak in a little. My mind kicked it into overdrive and took over for the weakening legs, and I ultimately finished at 6 hrs, 22 minutes. Not by any means a blazing fast trail run, but it was my first ultra, and I truly just set out to hopefully finish the race. It ended up being 14th out of 38 total racers in the 50k race.
Ultra running is a very different creature from mountain bike racing and adventure racing. There was something very simple and primal about just running out into the woods with some food and hydration. When doing an Adventure race, it is nerve wracking to make sure you have all of the necessary gear, maps, etc etc. And the navigation throughout the adventure race is stressful yet fun. Doing an ultra trail run, it was you and the trail, and that's about it. When the run started, in my mind I said, "Well, here's to 6 hrs of getting to know yourself even better." That pretty much sums it up. I
It was a great event, and I am really glad that I did it. I cannot wait to step it up a notch and take it to the next level, whatever that might be. But I do know that I loves trail running.... Always have, always will. And that's all I have to say about that.

by Bryan Greaser

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